Clean Intermittent Catheterization: Why? And How?

Topic picture CIC

Clean Intermittent catheterization (CIC) is the urologic procedure which rarely practice in Cambodia but it is very common in western countries. CIC is used when urinary bladder function is impaired. By the way, let’s discuss about urinary bladder’s role first.

Urinary bladder is an organ that has a major role on the emptying urine out of the body. But the process of aging or any kind of risk factors that elevated the degenerative of bladder developed faster, as result the normal function of the squeezing will remains incomplete and perhaps it could leads to the condition called residual-urine volume – or we can call it the retaining of the urines in the bladder. The urines that retained in the bladder for long time will caused grotty and additionally, it becomes the place that most bacteria will take as their shelter to live and hide. Patients who suffered from this condition they’ll always paid me a visit along with their urinary tract infection and complained about the insufficient antibiotic treatment even medicine prescribed the right one for them. the best solution that can help the “Underactive” bladder emptying urine is “Clean Intermittent Catheterization” or CIC.

Today I will disclose all informations about clean intermittent catheterization – rational, safety, full instructions for self-doing at home whether doing by yourself or has someone doing this procedure for yours.

Clean Intermittent Catheterization: Why? And How?
Neurogenic bladder is one cause of chronic bladder infection

First of all, we must clarify and make the understanding about urethral clean intermittent catheterization technique. This technique was always performing in sterilization technique with a medical professional setting. The sterile urethral catheterization required well-trained and it cost very highly for medical supplies, because all items are disposable (one-time using). Unlucky, this kind of degenerative bladder issue needs to do intermittent catheterization at least once daily so that’s why CIC was required “Cleanness” but we don’t need some kind of sterilization levels, so that, it take much more easier for general people to perform this procedure by their own freely. Otherwise, it cost us more cheaper in term of medical expenses. One more thing that we’re worried about is the infection while performing the procedure, but after reviews the latest literature it made us so breathable, it means the infection has been rated very tiny if we compared between “Sterilization” and “Cleanness” technique.

Off and on bladder infection must find correctable cause

The instruction for the Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC)

  1. Urinate as a regular habit for one time.
  2. Wash your hands with liquid soap and water.
  3. Wash your genital area with over-the-counter antiseptic soap.
  4. Remove the catheter from its container carefully, and keep it clean.
  5. Required a water-based KY jelly, and apply it at the tip of catheter as much as you need.
  6. Lie yourself on the toilet and prepare container for draining urines.
  7. Gently pass the lubricated catheter into the urethra.
  8. Slowly pass catheter until urine void (meaning the tip of the catheter is in the bladder).
  9. Pass the catheter a little bit more so the tip of the catheter will perfectly at the point inside the bladder.
  10. Hold the catheter and let urine void until done.
  11. Slowly remove the catheter and put it back to the container that has an antiseptic solutions
  12. Wash your genital area again.
  13. The antiseptic solution in the Clean intermittent catheterization container must daily changes to make the catheter clean as much as possible.
  14. The Clean intermittent catheterization sets has lifetime for 3 weeks and it needs to change, or it can rising the risk of infection. And expired CIC rubber will harm the urethra

Any questions, you can feel free to discuss with me. Stay safe for the Clean intermittent catheterization procedure!

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